Terms and Conditions

1. Identification of Finsol S.r.l.

The services object of the present general conditions are put on sale by Finsol s.r.l. based in Palestrina, Via Prenestina Nuova, 307, registered at the Chamber of Commerce of Rome at no. 1179327 of the Register of Companies, CF n. 0965267000 VAT number n. 09652671000 hereafter referred to as "Finsol S.r.l.", certified e-mail address info@pec.finsol.it.

1.1. The term "online sales contract" means the purchase and sale contract relating to the printing services of Finsol Srl, stipulated between them and the Purchaser as part of a remote sales system through electronic tools, organized from Finsol Srl.

1.2. The term "Purchaser" refers to the individual physical consumer who makes the purchase, as per this contract, for purposes not related to the commercial or professional activity carried out.

1.3. The expression "Finsol S.r.l." means the subject indicated in the epigraph or the lender of the information services.

2. Object of the contract

2.1. With this contract, respectively, Finsol S.r.l. sells and the Purchaser remotely purchases the printing services indicated and offered for sale on the website www.shop-baoli.eu

2.2. The products referred to in the previous point are illustrated on the web page www.shop-baoli.eu

2.3 Each order implies the express and unconditional acceptance of the Purchaser to the present general conditions of sale and implies the renunciation of the application of its General Conditions of Purchase.

3. Method of stipulation of the contract

3.1. The contract between Finsol S.r.l. and the Purchaser ends exclusively through the internet through the Buyer's access to the address www.shop-baoli.eu, where, following the procedures indicated, the Purchaser will arrive to formalize the proposal for the purchase of services the contract for the purchase of services referred to in paragraph 1 of the previous article.

4. Conclusion and effectiveness of the contract

4.1. The purchase contract ends with the exact completion of the application form and the consent to the purchase manifested through the acceptance of the order generated online by the Finsol Srl system. Always after viewing a web page summarizing the order , printable, which contains the details of the ordering and ordering, the price of Finsol Srl purchased, any shipping costs and any additional charges, terms and conditions of payment, the address where the goods will be delivered, the delivery time.

4.2. At the time when Finsol S.r.l. receives from the Purchaser the order sends an e-mail confirmation or the display of a web page to confirm and summarize the order, which can be printed, which also includes the data referred to in the previous point.

4.3. The contract is not considered perfected and effective between the parties in defect of what indicated in the previous point.

5. Method of payment and reimbursement

5.1. Each payment by the Purchaser will be possible only through one of the methods indicated on the Finsol S.r.l web page.

5.2. Any refund to the Purchaser will be credited by one of the methods proposed by Finsol S.r.l. and chosen by the Purchaser, in a timely manner and at the latest within 30 days from the date on which Finsol S.r.l. she has come to know.

5.3. All communications relating to payments take place on a special line of Finsol S.r.l. protected by encryption system. Finsol S.r.l.do not manage payments by credit card and PayPal which are entrusted to an external financial intermediary.

6. Times and methods of delivery

6.1.Finsol S.r.l. will deliver the selected and ordered products, in the manner chosen by the Purchaser or indicated on the website at the time of the offer by Finsol S.r.l., as confirmed in the email referred to in point 4.2.

6.2. Delivery times may vary from the day indicated in the order and confirmation of the same. In the event that Finsol S.r.l. is not able to make the shipment within the specified period, it will be given timely notice by e-mail to the Buyer.

6.3. The methods, times and shipping costs are clearly indicated and well highlighted at www.shop-baoli.eu

7. Prices

7.1. All sales prices of the services shown and indicated on the website www.shop-baoli.eu are expressed in euro and constitute an offer to the public pursuant to art. 1336 c.c.

7.2. The sales prices, referred to in the previous point, are net of VAT and any other tax. Shipping costs and any additional charges (for example: customs clearance), if any, even if not included in the purchase price, must be indicated and calculated in the purchase procedure before the order is placed by the buyer and also contents on the order summary web page.

7.3. The prices indicated in correspondence with each of the services offered at the site are valid until the date indicated on the website.

8. Limitations of liability

8.1 Finsol S.r.l. will not be liable to the customer and / or beneficiary of the service if different, for damages of any kind, either direct or indirect, arising from any errors, of any nature, in the printing of the file sent by the customer or arising from the receipt of the wrong material . In such cases Finsol S.r.l. will be required to perform only one reprint of the material. Equally Finsol S.r.l. will not be liable for damages, direct or indirect, due to failure and / or delayed delivery of the material, nor will it be responsible for any deterioration of the packaging; in such cases it will be required only to make a single reprint of the material on condition that the package is accepted by the customer 'subject to defects' which must be listed on the receipt issued by the courier and communicated to Finsol S.r.l. by fax or email to info@finsol.it, under penalty of forfeiture, within eight days of receipt of the package. Any errors in the printing or packaging of the material must be reported to the email info@finsol.it with attached digital photographic documentation, taking care to indicate the reference number in the subject within eight days of receipt of the material. For emails received no later than 4:00 pm on a business day, we will respond within eight hours.

8.2 The client assumes the authorship of the contents to be printed by exempting the company Finsol S.r.l. from the obligation of examining the same and assuming, therefore, any responsibility towards third parties who may complain about image damage, honor, decorum, moral integrity or any other patrimonial and non patrimonial damage coincidentally linked to the print object of the contract. The company Finsol S.r.l. reserves the call in indemnity of the customer in the event that claims for compensation were formulated directly against him.

8.3 The Finsol S.r.l. assumes no responsibility for disservices due to force majeure, in case it fails to execute the order within the time stipulated in the contract.

8.4 The Finsol S.r.l. can not be held liable to the Purchaser, except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence, for disservices or malfunctions connected to the use of the Internet outside of its own control or its sub-suppliers.

8.5 Finsol S.r.l. Furthermore, he will not be liable for damages, losses and costs incurred by the Purchaser as a result of the non-execution of the contract due to causes not attributable to him.

8.6 Finsol S.r.l. does not assume any responsibility for any fraudulent and illegal use that may be made by third parties, credit cards, checks and other means of payment, upon payment of the purchased products, if it proves to have taken all the precautions possible based on the best science and experience of the moment and on the basis of ordinary diligence.

8.7 In no case will the Purchaser be held liable for delays or errors in the payment if he proves that he has made the payment in the time and manner indicated by Finsol S.r.l.

9. Guarantees and methods of assistance

9.1.Finsol S.r.l. responds for any lack of conformity that occurs within the period of 2 months from delivery.

9.2. The Buyer loses all rights if he does not report the lack of conformity to the seller within 8 days from the date on which the defect was discovered. The complaint is not necessary if the seller has acknowledged the existence of the defect or has concealed it.

9.3. In the event of lack of conformity, the Purchaser may request, alternatively and without charge, the following conditions, repair or replacement from Finsol Srl, a reduction in the purchase price or termination of this contract, unless the request is not objectively impossible to satisfy or is found for Finsol Srl excessively burdensome pursuant to art. 130, paragraph 4, of the Consumer Code.

9.4. The request must be sent in writing, by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt or by certified e-mail, to Finsol Srl, which will indicate its willingness to proceed with the request, or the reasons that prevent it from doing so, within seven working days from receipt. In the same communication, where Finsol S.r.l. has accepted the request of the Purchaser, must indicate the method of delivery or return to Finsol S.r.l. as well as the deadline for the return or replacement of the defective product.

9.5. If the repair and replacement are impossible or excessively expensive, or Finsol Srl has not repaired or replaced the product within the period referred to in the previous point or, finally, the replacement or repair previously carried out have caused significant inconveniences to the Buyer, he / she may request, at his / her choice, a reasonable reduction of the price or the termination of the contract. In this case, the Purchaser must send his request to Finsol S.r.l., who will indicate his willingness to proceed with the same, or the reasons that prevent him from doing so, within seven working days of receipt.

9.6. In the same communication, where Finsol S.r.l. has accepted the request of the Purchaser, must indicate the reduction of the proposed price or the methods of returning the defective product. In such cases, the Purchaser will indicate the methods for crediting the amounts previously paid Finsol S.r.l.

10. Obligations of the Purchaser

10.1. The Purchaser undertakes to pay the price of the service purchased in the times and methods indicated in the contract.

10.2. The Buyer agrees, once the online purchase procedure is completed, to provide for the printing and preservation of this contract.

10.3. The information contained in this contract has, moreover, already been viewed and accepted by the Buyer, who acknowledges it, as this step is mandatory before the purchase confirmation.

11. Causes of termination

11.1. The obligations referred to in paragraph 12.1, assumed by the Purchaser, as well as the guarantee of the successful completion of the payment that the Purchaser carries out with the means referred to in art. 5.1, and also the exact fulfillment of the obligations assumed by Finsol S.r.l. in point 6, they are essential, so that by express agreement, the non-fulfillment of only one of these obligations, if not determined by fortuitous circumstances or force majeure, will result in the termination of the contract pursuant to art. 1456 of the Civil Code, without the need for a ruling judicial

12. Clause exonerating responsibility

12.1. Finsol S.r.l. will not be liable to the customer and / or beneficiary of the service if different, for damages of any kind, either direct or indirect, arising from any errors, of any nature, in the printing of the file sent by the customer or arising from the receipt of the wrong material . In such cases Finsol S.r.l. will be required to perform only one reprint of the material. Equally Finsol S.r.l. will not be liable for damages, direct or indirect, due to failure and / or delayed delivery of the material, nor will it be responsible for any deterioration of the packaging; in such cases it will be required only to make a single reprint of the material on condition that the package is accepted by the customer 'subject to defects' which must be listed on the receipt issued by the courier and communicated to Finsol S.r.l. by fax or email to info@finsol.it, under penalty of forfeiture, within eight days of receipt of the package. Any errors in the printing or packaging of the material must be reported to the email info@finsol.it with attached digital photographic documentation, taking care to indicate the reference number in the subject within eight days of receipt of the material. For emails received no later than 4:00 pm on a business day, we will respond within eight working hours.

13. Responsibility of the client

13.1. The client assumes the authorship of the contents to be printed and exempts Finsol S.r.l. from the obligation of examining the same and assuming, therefore, any responsibility towards third parties who may complain about image damage, honor, decorum, moral integrity or any other patrimonial and non patrimonial damage coincidentally linked to the print object of the contract. The company Finsol S.r.l. reserves the call in indemnity of the customer in the event that claims for compensation were formulated directly against him.

14. Method of storage of the contract

14.1. Pursuant to art. 12 of Legislative Decree 70/2003, Finsol S.r.l. informs the Purchaser that every order sent is stored in digital / paper form on the Finsol S.r.l. server. same, according to criteria of confidentiality and security.

15. Communications and complaints

15.1. Written communications to Finsol S.r.l. and any complaints will be considered valid only if sent to the following address: Via Prenestina Nuova, 301 / C3 - 00036 Palestrina (RM), or sent by fax to the number or sent by e-mail to the following address info@finsol.it Buyer indicates in the registration form his / her residence or domicile, telephone number or e-mail address to which he / she wishes to be sent the communications of Finsol Srl

16. Settlement of disputes

16.1. For all disputes relating to the interpretation and / or execution of this contract, the parties recognize the exclusive competence of the Tivoli forum (RM), regardless of the place of conclusion of the contract, the domicile of the client, the place of payment although by way of route and / or rb

17. Applicable law and postponement

17.1. This contract is regulated by the Italian law.

17.2. Although not expressly provided for here are the legal provisions applicable to the relationships and the cases provided for in this contract, and in particular the art. 5 of the Rome Convention of 1980.

18. Final clause

18.1. This contract repeals and replaces any agreement, understanding, negotiation, written or oral, previously intervened between the parties and concerning the subject of this contract.